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Food Safety

Food Safety 29 - 05 - 2020

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Farm to Fork Strategy adopted

On 20 May, the European Commission adopted the Farm to Fork Strategy for a fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food system. In line with the European Green Deal, the strategy proposes ambitious EU actions and commitments to transform our food systems into global standards for competitive sustainability, the protection of human and planetary health, as well as all livelihoods in the food value chain. Commissioner Kyriakides said: “The Farm to Fork Strategy will ensure that, together, we will emerge with a more robust, secure, and sustainable food system.”



Annual Food Fraud 2019 report: increased Member State cooperation

The Commission has published the 2019 annual report of the EU Food Fraud Network and the System for Administrative Assistance and Food Fraud (AAC-AA and AAC-FF). The report highlights examples of EU coordinated cases as well as statistics on suspected cases food fraud through the Administrative Assistance and Cooperation System (the AAC-FF System). Among the findings, there was a steady increase in the number of requests for administrative assistance within the Food Fraud Network which confirms that, over years, cooperation in Europe between Member States has strengthened.


Animal Welfare: evaluation roadmap of the EU legislation

The European Commission has published a roadmap for the evaluation of the EU legislation on the welfare of farmed animals. This Fitness Check is one of the ambitious actions on animal welfare foreseen by the Farm to Fork strategy (hyperlink to be added) for a more sustainable agriculture. It will allow the Commission to assess the relevance of its current legislative framework composed by five EU Directives and two EU Regulations. Citizens, experts and stakeholders are invited to give their feedback, by 29 July, on the roadmap to help defining the further details of the Fitness Check.

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