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4th Conference on European Reference Networks held in Brussels

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The fourth Conference on European Reference Networks (ERNs) takes place today and tomorrow in Brussels.

The two-day event brings together more than 400 participants, such as the representatives of EU and national institutions, healthcare providers and medical professionals, and patients' representatives to discuss the results so far and the challenges ahead.

The Conference opens the deployment stage in the networks' lifecycle. After an intensive period of preparation and awareness-raising, the first 24 ERNs are now operational. Despite having already recorded success stories since their launch in March 2017, the networks and their work need further review and consolidation. The conference will present the main clinical and organisational outcomes of the networks, and identify the challenges and margins for future improvements.


The conference will be webstreamed at:


Health systems in the European Union aim to provide high-quality, cost effective care. This is particularly difficult, however, in cases of rare or low-prevalence complex diseases which affect the daily life of around 30 million EU citizens. The European Reference Networks (ERNs) are virtual networks involving healthcare providers across Europe. They aim to facilitate discussion on complex or rare diseases and conditions that require highly specialised treatment, and concentrated knowledge and resources.

For more information:

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