CYBERMED NEWS - Higher Medical Scientifc Information and Research

Public Health

Public Health 20 - 07 - 2018

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Cross-border healthcare

Study on cross-border healthcare: Empowering NCPs to help patients exercise their rights

The study found that patients in Europe are still generally unaware of their rights and the possibility to access health services in other EU Member States, as well as of the existence of National Contact Points (NCPs) to help them exercise their rights under the Cross-border Healthcare Directive.

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Communicable diseases

Commission Staff Working Document on Combatting HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis and tuberculosis: sustained effort needed to meet 2030 goals

The document is an overview of EU policy initiatives and activities to meet the global sustainable development goal of ending the AIDS and tuberculosis epidemics by 2030 and to fight hepatitis and other communicable diseases.

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Crisis preparedness and response

Flash report - Plenary Meeting of the Health Security Committee (Luxembourg, 22 June 2018)

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