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Public Health

Public Health 22 - 06 - 2018

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Tobacco, Medicinal products

Reinforced EU/US collaboration on medicines and tobacco

The bilateral regulatory dialogue between EU and US allowed the strategic partners to review their ongoing cooperative initiatives, discuss strategic priorities for the coming years and further strengthen the continuous close collaboration with specific action in the field of pharmaceuticals.

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Communicable diseases

Communicable diseases: Commission updates surveillance list

The Commission has adopted an Implementing Decision on the list of communicable diseases and related special health issues as well as relevant case definitions to be monitored through the EU’s epidemiological surveillance network.

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Crisis preparedness and response

Flash report on Antimicrobial resistance - Audio meeting of the Health Security Committee (18 June 2018)

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EU Health Policy

Freshfel Europe’s First Webinar on its 2018 Thematic Network (04 July, at 14.00 CET)

Access code: 841 424 024

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