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Public Health

Public Health 30 - 05 - 2018

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eNews - Health policies in the future EU budget (2021-2027)

Health will have a strong dimension in the next EU budget. Following the adoption of the new Multiannual Financial Framework for the period 2021-2027 on 2 May, the Commission has adopted today the legislative proposal for a new European Social Fund Plus (ESF+).

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Factsheet - EU health budget for the future

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Press release - EU budget: A new Social Fund, Globalisation Adjustment Fund and Justice, Rights and Values Fund

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Crisis preparedness and response

Flash report on Ebola outbreak in DRC - Audio meeting of the Health Security Committee (25 May 2018)

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Crisis preparedness and response

Flash report on Ebola outbreak in DRC - Audio meeting of the Health Security Committee (17 May 2018)

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Minutes - 5th meeting of the Independent Advisory Panel on characterising flavours in tobacco products (24 April 2018)

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