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Food Safety: EFSA and ECHA launch public consultations on Glyphosate

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Glyphosate is a chemical that is widely used in plant protection products (PPPs). Glyphosate-based PPPs – i.e. formulations containing glyphosate, co-formulants such as anti-foaming agents, and possibly other chemicals – are mainly used in agriculture and horticulture to combat weeds that compete with cultivated crops.

Glyphosate is currently approved for use in the EU until 15 December 2022. This means it can be used as an active substance in PPPs until that date, subject to each product being authorised by national authorities following a safety evaluation.

The five-year approval was granted by the European Commission in 2017 following separate assessments by EFSA and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). A step-by-step account of the 2017 approval process can be found on the European Commission website.

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