CYBERMED NEWS - Higher Medical Scientifc Information and Research

Plant Health

In November 2019, the Council requested the Commission to submit a study on the Union’s options to update the legislation on the production and marketing of plant reproductive material (‘PRM study’). Furthermore, the Council called on the Commission to prepare a legal proposal, if deemed appropriate in view of the outcome of the PRM study.

Leggi tutto: Plant reproductive material study is online

Xylella fastidiosa: More risk based and targeted measures to prevent its entry into and spread within the Union

Today, the Commission published new measures on Xylella fastidiosa with the aim to ensure a better protection of the Union territory, while ensuring more targeted and risk based control measures in the current outbreak areas.

Leggi tutto: New EU measures on Xylella

Today, the Commission has published the first results of two Harmonised risk indicators (HRI) established by the Commission under the Directive on the Sustainable Use of pesticides. They show that the risks associated with pesticides (plant protection products) have declined since the entry into force of the Directive in 2011. In particular, Harmonised risk indicator I, which estimates the risks associated with the plant protection products sold, and therefore used, in the EU, shows a reduction of 20% between 2011 and 2017.

Leggi tutto: Pesticides: Harmonised risk indicators show encouraging trend in the risks associated with plant...

Neonicotinoid: non-renewal of thiacloprid

On 13 January, the Commission decided not to renew the approval of thiacloprid, a neonicotinoid used as an insecticide for many food and feed crops as it presents health and environmental concerns. Commissioner Stella Kyriakides, in charge of health and Food Safety, welcomed the decision as "another clear demonstration of the Commission's commitment to protect the health of EU citizens and the environment."


Chlorpyrifos et chlorpyrifos-methyl to be banned

On 10 January, the Commission adopted a decision to withdraw the approval of pesticides chlorpyrifos and chlorpyrifos-methyl from the European market. This followed the confirmation by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), of the pesticides’ harmful effects on human health. Health and Food Safety Commissioner, Stella Kyriakides stressed that: "Protecting citizens from dangerous chemicals is a priority of my mandate and of the Green Pact for Europe".

Non-EU Biosecurity declarations

Declarations regarding pest status in non-EU countries. Updates for Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Israel, Uraguay and South Africa

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