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Food Safety

2020 Annual Food Fraud report: Fight against food fraud in Europe continued despite the COVID-19 pandemic

Today, the Commission is publishing the 2020 annual report of the EU Agri-Food Fraud Network (EU FFN) and the Administrative Assistance and Cooperation system for Food Fraud (AAC-FF).

The report presents the EU FFN activities, highlighting certain requests for cooperation and provides statistics from the AAC-FF – EU reporting tool managed by the Commission, which enables members of the network to exchange information on suspicious non-compliances and potential intentional violations of the EU agri-food chain legislation.

Leggi tutto: Food Safety 08 - 09 - 2021

New EU Food Loss and Waste Prevention Hub launched on the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste, 29 September 2021

Today, the Commission is launching the EU Food Loss and Waste Prevention Hub website in order to mark the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste (IDAFLW).

The Hub is a "one-stop-shop" for stakeholders who take action to fight food losses and food waste. This new digital platform aims to foster the exchange of knowledge and experience and to help disseminate the different initiatives carried out to tackle food losses and food waste, in order to inspire and drive further action on-the- ground, across the EU and beyond.

Leggi tutto: Food Safety 29 - 09 - 2021

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